Student mentors at John Paul II Roman Catholic School launched their year 7 training programme as part of anti-bullying week last month.

Younger students will follow in the steps of the mentors, who formed their own anti-bullying campaign two years ago.

The scheme included the introduction of anonymous pupil reporting, a new central recording system and peer mentoring and counselling.

Staff say since the scheme started there has been a decline in bullying in school and pupils feel safer.

Headteacher Edward Conway said: “Pupils and staff have put in huge amounts of work on all aspects of behaviour and we are incredibly proud of all they have achieved.

“There is a significant improvement in the climate and culture of the school and relationships are now very positive.

“The pupils have been so successful in decreasing bullying in the school by taking responsibility for the problem and the solution themselves.”

The results of a peer mentor survey showed an 82 per cent rise in pupils feeling safe in school and recorded bullying incidents are down by 55 per cent.

One pupil mentor, Kingsley Boadu, even won the 2008 Young Person of the Year Award from the council for his contribution to the school in Princes Way, Wandsworth.

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