In response to David Pickles’ letter (Gateway plan is “accident waiting to happen”, Your Say, March 19), I could not agree more.

I would also like to add that the traffic is now queueing back along Mulgrave Road to Mulgrave Chambers and beyond while waiting for cars and other vehicles to get out into Brighton Road.

The bus shelter next to the shops in Mulgrave Road is obscuring the view to their businesses, which I am sure will have an adverse affect on them.

It is very important to these businesses for people to see them especially due to the very nature of their business.

Also, if the bus shelter is full of people waiting for a bus and it is raining, they are going to overflow and stand under the awnings of the businesses.

This will also have an adverse affect on people frequenting their businesses because I have no doubt people will smoke outside while waiting for a bus.

Instead of redesigning the station area as they have done, it would have been far better to have made use of the Quadrant and build a bus station.

I know someone suggested this idea to the council way back last year.

I have spoken to a lot of people about this project and they have all said that it has been a waste of money and a very dangerous area for pedestrians and drivers.
