Exam Stress? By Community Correspondent Sophie Wills Do you ever find the build up to exams stressful? Well you’re not the only one. Many people old or young get exam stress. It’s a known fact. The jitters, the feeling that you are going to fail, or worse have a panic attack in the middle of the exam. The build up is always the worse I find. Revision is supposed to help you and in hind-sight it probably does. However what doesn’t help is when revising realising that you have absolutely no idea what it is you are supposed to be doing. That’s when panic starts to set in. Then, unless your super cool about exams, you start to imagine that the questions are going to be so hard you won’t have a clue, that everyone else will be perfectly fine. When waiting the energy is making you hyperactive, all you want is to get it over, and then you sit down, open the paper, pick up your pen. And realise that every little worry, fear and thought was completely unnecessary. I suppose the message that I am trying to convey is: don’t work yourself into a frenzy, relax, sleep well, eat healthily and don’t WORRY!